Saturday, April 14, 2007

Kevin LIVE

As I promised I just heard from Hollywood Hypnotist Kevin Stone and he gave me the latest on his upcoming appearance on the radio.
Kevin will be LIVE this coming Friday April 20th on KCXX 103.9 FM, as soon as I know what time in the morning I will let you all know.

Also, Kevin wanted his fan club members to be the first to know that Kevin is featured in the upcoming edition of Life and Style Magazine dated April 23rd! I have seen the copy and it is AWESOME!!! Be sure to get your copy Then turn to page 72 to read a very interesting artical on how hypnosis and hypnotherapy has helped many top celebs overcome challenges they have faced and read what Kevin has to say about the power of the mind. Then you see Kevin in an upcoming appearance around the country ask him to autograph it! Better yet, why not contact Kevin for your own personalized hypnotherapy session, so that you can overcome the challenges you may be facing. Kevin really cares about his private hypnotherapy clinic in Beverly Hills, Calif. It is important to remember that the clinical side of hypnosis with Kevin Stone, is VERY different then the entertainment side... any questions you may have will be answered by simply clicking on the link to Kevin's website then contact Kevin and he will guide you from there... you just have to take the first step... Do it now!

Also, Kevin is busy touring the country with his hypnosis show, so be sure to keep checking back here for frequent updates on where you can see "Hollywood Hypnotist Kevin Stone" at a location near you.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Did you miss Kevin?

Hollywood Hypnotist Kevin Stone, America's premier hypnotist has updated his website to include new pix and his latest LIVE TV appearance on "The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet". CHECK IT OUT!!! Kevin has added new pictures too, which is always exciting for his fans to see! Simply click on the following link and click on the link to "watch Kevin Stone's Live Appearances on TV" and then be ready to be entertained and educated about the power of the mind and what Hypnosis can do for you! Don't forget that Kevin wants to hear from you, and he even has a contest going on which can bring you a prize valued of $175.00 if you email him with ideas for bits or routines that Kevin can use in his show. So enter the contest now!!!
Don't forget to pick up the upcoming addition of "Life and Style Magazine" coming out this Thursday!
Check back often for more updates of upcoming appearances of Celebrity Hypnotist Kevin Stone!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

See Kevin LIVE

As I promised, here is the link to see Celebrity Hypnotist Kevin Stone on
"The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet" Simply click on the following link to see what they have posted on Kevin Stone, celebrity hypnotist, also make sure to click on the link to the shows blog in order to see "behind the scenes" of what went on.... then let's speak up and email the show and tell them what an AWESOME segment that was and to bring Kevin back soon to show us more of what hypnosis can do...
Stay tuned for more updates soon, Kevin is hot, hot, hot!!!!

Live From New York!

Kevin was AWESOME today on The Morning Show With Mike and Juliet!!! Kevin is sujch a dynamic performer that it doesn't matter what the situation, he adapts easily and gives the audience an amazing show, I have never seen him perform the lady balanced between two chairs and as a special "insider" info tip that Kevin will release personally to his fan club only, he wasn't planning on doing that bit, but it was the directors request so he went with it. I thought kevin was fantastic this morning and I also know that soon the segment will be loaded on the internet so that you can watch it over again and make sure to show it to all your friends and co-workers.... I will be back with the link info as soon as I know...stay tuned!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Hollywood Hypnotist is Hot and Happening

I was just contacted by our guy, Hollywood Hypnotist Kevin Stone to give us, his fans, breaking news updates on his upcoming appearences.
Kevin just completed an interview to be published in the upcoming weeks for Life and Style Magazine. You know that magazine, it is the hottest and newest entertainment magazine available nationwide! Stay tuned for exact publishing date, as soon as I know, you will know.
Also, next week be listening for Kevin on the radio..he will be LIVE on KCXX 103.9...again, when I know exact details of how we can all hear Kevin live I will post it immediately...
Stay tuned for Kevins appearance on the" Search for the Next Pussycat Doll", but don't forget to tune in tomorrow to see Kevin LIVE on the Fox Network on the nationally syndicated morning tv show..."The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet" (check local listings for times in your area) He is off to New York, as I post this blog, and will be LIVE in the morning!!!
Stay tuned for updates and breaking news on Kevin Stone and his Hypnotic Happenings around the country!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Live from New York, Kevin Stone!!!

Breaking News!!! This just in, in 2 days, on Thursday morning April 5th, Hollywood Hypnotist Kevin Stone will be LIVE from New York on the hit morning entertainment talk show "The Morning Show with MIke and Juliet", which airs on the Fox Network. The show is nationally syndicated on Fox so please check your local listings for show time in your area.
Then call your friends and your mothers and your mothers friends and tell them to tune in and see Kevin Stone having fun with hypnosis and a New York audience...on live TV who knows what will happen!!!
Also don't forget about Kevin on the "Search for the Next Pussycat Doll"
as I print this, having just spoken to Kevin, I'm not sure if he will air tonight or on the next episode, but check it out tonight on the CW, and we'll all catch his appearance together!
Also, check out Kevin's website at he has updated his website adding more videos of his appearances nationwide... you have to check out the video of Newscaster Larry Wolpe, ABC7, and the piece he did on Kevin... for any sceptics out there, this is the video for you, because seeing this newsman under hypnosis is hysterically funny. Kevin has also put a few surprises throughout his site, see if you can find what he did, and have fun on the hunt!