Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Live from New York, Kevin Stone!!!

Breaking News!!! This just in, in 2 days, on Thursday morning April 5th, Hollywood Hypnotist Kevin Stone will be LIVE from New York on the hit morning entertainment talk show "The Morning Show with MIke and Juliet", which airs on the Fox Network. The show is nationally syndicated on Fox so please check your local listings for show time in your area.
Then call your friends and your mothers and your mothers friends and tell them to tune in and see Kevin Stone having fun with hypnosis and a New York audience...on live TV who knows what will happen!!!
Also don't forget about Kevin on the "Search for the Next Pussycat Doll"
as I print this, having just spoken to Kevin, I'm not sure if he will air tonight or on the next episode, but check it out tonight on the CW, and we'll all catch his appearance together!
Also, check out Kevin's website at www.hypnotist.com he has updated his website adding more videos of his appearances nationwide... you have to check out the video of Newscaster Larry Wolpe, ABC7, and the piece he did on Kevin... for any sceptics out there, this is the video for you, because seeing this newsman under hypnosis is hysterically funny. Kevin has also put a few surprises throughout his site, see if you can find what he did, and have fun on the hunt!


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