Friday, May 26, 2006

check it out!

Watch out Simon Cowell, Hollywood Hypnotist Kevin Stone is hot on your heels. Well maybe not American Idol but with pregnant women in San Diego. Check out the following link for pictures of the event. On a personal note, I admire the self esteem these women have, pregnant and prancing around in a bikini! Anyway, wanted to share the info with you all.

Have a safe and sane Memorial Day Weekend Holiday!

Hypnotically yours,

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Website Update

Hollywood Hypnotist Kevin Stone has completely revamped and updated his website!!! I just got done checking it out and it is so amazing that I am speechless (and trust me, that's saying a lot!). There are a bunch of brand new pictures hot off the press from recent shows... I hope to get some of the new series of photos posted here on this site... I am also impressed with the amount of information kevin posted about hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Here's the link, enjoy...

Kevin also posted a new video which is equally amazing....and will have you laughing from beginning to end, just like being at one of his shows.

If you happen to live in San Diego and listen to rock may have caught Hollywood Hypnotist Kevin Stone live last week! In case you were wondering if it was him or not... yes it was!


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Long time no post

My apologies to all for it being a couple of weeks since i've updated the blog...shame on me! Hollywood Hypnotist Kevin Stone has been busy entertaining the masses. We just returned from The Merced County Spring Fair in Los Banos, Calif. It was standing room only for each show! Even though it was freezing cold and windy at night, the crowds did not stay away! Each show was fresh and new and funnier then the last. Check out his website at
for pictures...which should be posted soon.

If there are any topics you want covered or questions you may have feel free to post them here... all comments will be forwarded to Kevin himself. Check back soon for updates!