Friday, December 29, 2006

Kevin on Tyra Banks

I just finished watching the Tyra Banks Show and after sitting through what seemed like never ending segments it was finally Kevins turn and he was awesome as usual! I really liked how Kevin gave so much information about the power of the mind in such a compact amount of time. I'm sure he wishes he had more time, because he just scraped the tip of the iceberg with all that is possible with hypnosis and the power of the mind.

I know for a lot of you out there, this was the first time that you have seen Hollywood Hypnotist Kevin Stone doing what he does when he's not on stage, and how he is serious about helping people achieve their goals easily and effortlessly through hypnotherapy. This is why I am always encouraging you all to contact Kevin to get on the road to success today! Kevin can be reached at his e-mail which is, he reads all his own e-mail and looks forward to hearing from his fans around the country who want to change their life through hypnosis. So what are you waiting for??

I know from personal experience how amazing hypnosis is and would love to hear from you with any questions or thoughts as well as share with you my personal experience with Kevin and how he has changed my life through hypnotherapy. My e-mail address is and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

I feel a renewed sense of encouragement and commitment to complete my personal goals, and invite you to join me in making 2007 the best year yet!

If you are like me, and want to learn more about what hypnosis is and want to see Kevin on The Tyra Banks Show again to show us more, then please join me in e-mailing the show and telling them how great you thought Hypnotist Kevin Stone was, but the segment was too short and to please bring Kevin back for more.
Click on the link below to contact the show today!

Also, in cased you missed the entire segment here is a link to the recap of the show today, click on the link below

I will keep you updated of all the fast breaking news on Kevin, he's hot, hot, hot!!!

Talk to you soon,


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