Sunday, January 21, 2007

Books Are Fun!

This is Breaking News just sent to me directly from Kevin to post on his fan club blog to let everyone know that he has just secured a BIG contract with "Books Are Fun" (a division of Readers Digest!!!!) , to perform at events around the United States. 5 are slated with more dates to come, stay tuned right here for breaking news updates of upcoming live appearances of Hollywood Hypnotist Kevin Stone!

Remember, as busy as Kevin is, he is available to help you with a private session, in person or on the telephone, and I encourage you to take the first step and contact Kevin via email at and he will take it from there. It is the greatest gift you can give yourself and remember that YOU are worth it!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Breaking News!

Due to the overwhelming response to the New Year New You episode of the Tyra Banks Show that featured Kevin received the episode was replayed again today on Fox TV. The rave reviews demanded we get to see more of Kevin and the ratings were through the roof, proving that the we, the fans , have a voice in what we want to see on TV. Let us use our voice again to let the Tyra show know that we want to see Celebrity Hypnotist Kevin Stone on the show again, for a longer segment, so we can learn more about hypnosis... maybe there is something that you want Kevin to help you with live on the show, such as overcoming a fear you may have to snakes or spiders or a fear of flying.... whatever it may be contact the show and let them know your ideas at the following link:

Lets get our voices heard once again!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

See All Of Kevin..

Hi All, Happy New Year!!!!!!! I wish you all a healthy and joyous year.

I knew that Kevins amazing webmaster, Kris, would be hard at work this weekend updating his website, so I checked it out and sure enough she has. A big THANK YOU for all of her hard work keeping us up to date on what's going on in the life of Hollywood Hypnotist Kevin Stone.

If you want to see more of Kevin Stone's various T.V. appearances, and the Tyra Banks Show segment, then simply click on this link to go right to the page:

Don't forget to e-mail the Tyra Banks Show and tell them you want more of Kevin Stone. Click on and get your voice heard, and maybe if you tell them what you want Celebrity Hypnotist Kevin Stone to help you with, who knows maybe you'll find yourself on the show with Kevin! Hmmmm, sounds like a great show idea to me...what do you think? Lets do it!

On a personal note, I know many of you have made New Years resolutions and I encourage you to contact Kevin today to have him be your guide to success. E-mail Kevin at and tell him what you want to achieve and he will take it from there. He reads all his own e-mail, and don't worry, everything you tell him is completely confidential. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me at

Happy New Year!